Every part of earth have different likes. In ours days in United kingdom about the food and drink is not the same with others countries or with many years ago in UK. Year by year hapits of every nation change because find others ways to do something.

About the food in UK is different with my country. Most famous food is carry with rice. More british people like it but as well as like fish fingers, fries with salt and vinigan. Also Great Britain is very popular for english breakfast which included whaever you want. Moreover, about the sauses on the food they like. However in my country we have different hapits . Most different about food in my country a variety of people cook but in UK prefer to order every day.

For the drinks in UK is very popular. The most is the beer which every street have their own pub. Pub is the place who serve drinks. Is tradisional bar of UK. Also in Scotland is very famous for wishky because many good brands for wishky is from Scotland. In Ireland drink a lot beer. Irish guy love drinks so mush. they drinks any time. On the other hand in my country they preffer tradisonal drinks like ouzo and zivania.
That is some data for food and drinks about UK. It is very different of my country Greece. Resula of that is every country have different hapits.
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