The Legal System

The type of crime where find out is about drugs. Nowadays drugs is one of the most popular young problems in the world.
The different kinds of controlled drugs, often referred to as 'illegal drugs', are divided into three different categories, or classes. These classes (A, B and C) carry different levels of penalty for possession and dealing.
How the crime is dealt with and the punishment that is given:
Class A: Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine, crack, magic mushrooms, amphetamines.
Possession: Up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
Dealing: Up to life in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
Class B: Amphetamines, Cannabis, Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Pholcodine.
Possession: Up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
Dealing: Up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
Class C: Tranquilisers, some painkillers, Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Ketamine.
Possesion: Up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
Dealing: Up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
The video which i have choose is about drugs.
Questions according to the video:

1. Who is Milton Friedman?
2. Why drugs should be legalized?
3. What effect does criminalizing drugs have?
4. What is the downside of legalization?
5. Drugs abuse: economic or moral problem?