We arrived with my friends at 10:20 in one of the world's most interest cities. London is the capital of England and the population near to 8 millions .
Firtly, we visited the biggest clock in the world (Big Ben). Big Ben took 13 years to build, and was completed in 1856. Also is up to 300 feet high.
Secondly, other very importal place we visited is the

Buckingham Palace. Is very huge builting and very nice design. Is a tratisional place whice the Queen and popular people going there for lunch or some very importal thing for convercation.
Moreover place we visited was the Museum of London. Is one of the most interest museum in the world, have so many galleries with very beautiful and famous creators.

Furthermore, we visited Westmister Abbey is very big christian church, is very old with exellent design. Nest to church 10 minutes walk we found the Palce of Westmister.
After that, we went to the London bridge was great. Is very near to Big Ben, and is not like the photos if you see it live is very different.
The last place we visited and the reason who i came to London is the Emirates stadium. Is the Arsenal's stadium, up to 70 thousand sites.
The time is over we must going to the train station because the train start to 17:35.It was a small trip but very important. I recommend to other people will do this trip.